
Automated Biology Platform

Fully automated robotic arm
Working round the clock 24*7

High-content screening (HCS)

Based on the design published on Nature Protocol by the MIT Broad Institute, disease-related cell lines are established through cell culture and intervention. By using various intervention methods, the morphological changes of the disease-related cell lines are observed, thereby assessing the effects of intervention on disease improvement.
High-content screening (HCS)High-content screening (HCS)

Phenomics Information

The cell morphology data generated by high-content imaging is a new type of omics data, which is highly compatible with the strengths of AI models (i.e., image analysis) and strongly correlates with downstream biological indicators for evaluating candidate drugs.

Through the AI model's learning from large-scale data, it can be used to predict the downstream biological mechanisms of candidate drugs, in vivo and in vitro pharmacodynamics/toxicity, and even the results of human trials.

Types of Services

Molecular screening based on high-content images
Phenomics-driven prediction of the drug-likeness of compounds
Validation of target biological mechanisms